Work with an Invitas coach

Supporting your growth and development

There are many and various forms of coaching available personally and for leaders.  Invitas coaching is not a generic form of coaching. Rather, it is uniquely focused on the application of the essence and spirit of Conversational Leadership and the Seven Elements.

If you desire to become a more Invitational leader, to be clearer on how to navigate the conversational landscape of your organizational or personal life, find yourself in the midst of a life transition and wondering how to best engage others in your journey – or change the conversation with yourself, you may be a good candidate for Invitas coaching.

Invitas coaching is also a way to learn and explore the Seven Elements in either your personal or vocational life.

Our team

Meet the Conversational Leadership coaches

Circle Image
Image of Michelle Coaching
Image of Raf Coaching
Image of Myron Coaching
Image of Jafer coaching
Image of Gayle coaching
Background image for another poem

Just beyond


its where
you need
to be.


Half a step
and the rest
by what
you’ll meet.


There’s a road always

from ‘Just Beyond Yourself’ by David Whyte

Inquire about coaching